September 24, 2008

My first blog!

Wow. This is kinda neat. I'm so glad Ms. MacFey assigned this for us. Computers is my favorite class next to English. I'm not sure what to write. So far 7th grade isn't too bad. I still have April and Maddy in every class, so that helps.

I'm reading the Hobbit again. I've got to get a new copy one day, this one is about to fall apart. I'm at the part where Bilbo meets Gollum for the first time. It's not a very long book, but it takes me some time to read it because I don't have much time to read on my own with chores and school. I like school a lot. Chores I don't really like, but it's okay. At least it keeps the Samuels off my back most days.

So, this blogging thing is cool. Ms. MacFey says its how people communicate online nowadays. She said when she was in school, they had to write in a journal at their desks. But we get to write in our class blog either in computer lab or at home, if we have a computer at home. Rex has one, but I'm not allowed to use it.

I'll be 12 next month, and I can't wait! And my birthday is also my favorite day -- Halloween!

1 comment:

Christine Rose said...

Very nice, Cullen. Your birthday in a month? I'll have to keep that in mind.